Dennys Antonialli

Dennys Antonialli is a PhD candidate in Constitutional Law at the University of São Paulo (Brazil), where he also earned his bachelor of laws degree (LL.B., 2008). He holds a Master of the Science of Law from Stanford Law School (J.S.M., 2011) and a Master of Law and Business from Bucerius Law School/WHU Otto Beisheim School of iManagement in Germany (MLB, 2010). Dennys has worked on the Policy Department of the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California’s (ACLU/NC) technology and civil liberties team. He was a research fellow at the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (Berlin). Currently, he is the coordinator of the Law, Internet and Society Nucleus of the University of São Paulo (NDIS-USP) and the executive director of InternetLab.
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